It is okay to let go my angel child.

Today was an amazing day.  I desperately miss my beautiful child.


I woke up early this morning remembering that I had a 8am meeting with the Hospice Bereavement Councillor or psychiatrist, whatever you prefer to call Alan.  I looked at the time on my cell phone (can’t read my watch without my glasses) and thought to myself

“Hmmm, I need 45 minutes travelling time, 30 minutes to shower, dress, do my make-up and 15 minutes for breakfast and tea…”

I lay there in my war bed and decided I would be very rude and I would LIE – I would let Alan know I am stuck in the traffic… Writing this I am so ashamed for blatantly lying to this good man but it is done!  I cannot undo the lie or my decision not to go…  I will however confess if I see him again.

My first business appointment of the day was at 11am so I decided to lie in and check my emails in bed.  There was a comment on one of my first posts…I reread the post and the next and the next and the next…  I reread every one of the 335 posts I had written.

Other times, when I reread any of my journal entries or blog posts, I teared up.  Today I did not.  I was filled with relief.

I reread my baby girl’s journey filled with unbearable pain, suffering, discomfort, loneliness and indignity.  The more I read the more I realised how selfish I was being.  I took cognisance of the fact that in the early days of my blog I was careful with my words…  Today I realised how much was never written.  I was shocked at how little I had actually written of Vic’s pain… I remembered my child’s screams of pain and tears … I remembered how I prayed that her dreadful journey would end.

Today I was grateful that her suffering was over!

Does that mean I am “over” the death of my child?  No! No! No!  But I am at peace today that Vic is free of pain…

I missed her today as I will tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year and forever!

Vic and I
Vic and I


At about 01:00 this morning Vic came into my room and got into bed with me.  Her tummy was cramping badly and she was scared.  She just lay with me for a long time, sobbing and talking about her fears.

E.H.Chapin said:  “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls, the most massive characters are seamed with scars”… 

Sobbing her little heart out she expressed her fear of how Danie and I will cope with her death… She asked me to remind Jon-Daniel of how he made her laugh when she was sad, Jared how much he helped her…

She told me I will have to be stricter with the boys after she is gone… She asks me to deliver her eulogy at her funeral…


Today was a day out of hell for Vicky.  She is deadly pale – she actually has a ghost like appearance.  She was so ill that she was unable to take pain medication and now her pain is out of control.

If I am having a hard time with this how must this poor child feel?  HOW CAN SHE CARRY ON???


It is 20:00 and Vic has been fed, changed, powdered and medicated.  She screamed with pain when I changed her.  Seeing my child sick and in pain, every day of her life , kills me.  I am dying, painfully slowly from my child’s pain.


Vic is still a very sick little girl.  The fact that her pain is better controlled does not mean that she is well.  If any of us had spent the amount of time vomiting and cramping that she has this week we would be in bed hooked up to an IV and praying for death.  This week Vic’s amazing resilience again amazed me.  She is strong beyond comprehension!

My heart bleeds for her that her fragile body has once again failed her incredible will to live.  It is clear that she is merely holding onto life, as she knows it, with her fingertips……

I will go to the meeting with Prof Froehlich and continue my fight for Hospice to become involved.  Vic will never function on any level again.  She is confined to bed relying on medication to keep her sane.  Maybe she will have a good couple of days here or there but her sentence has not been commuted.

Schedule 6 medication - 28 days supply
Schedule 6 medication – 28 days supply
Rest of Vic's medication - decanted
Rest of Vic’s medication – decanted


Every day of her life countless indignities are heaped upon her. She is dependant for everything from medication, care, food and money. Poor poppet! Death is always in the foreground of her mind. Either fear of dying and at times fear of not dying.

I don’t really know what I set out to articulate in this blog but writing has once again reminded me what a pitiful life Vic has. My poor, poor little baby! No-one in the world deserves her life! But we will never abandon her – ever!

Today was a bad day – again.                                                    


This evening she asked if she could have her injection a little earlier.  Jared is going back to theatre tomorrow morning to have his stent removed.  “Mommy, I need to try and sleep so I can be with my son tomorrow”

It is as if her wish triggered an avalanche of events.

Vic has been projectile vomiting since, and the perspiration is pouring off her.  Her heart is racing, and her blood pressure is all over.  Her abdomen is so distended and extremely tender on the abscess side!

Vic will not be at her son’s side tomorrow when he is readmitted to hospital.



Life has ground to a slow, agonizing halt… Vic floats from one pain filled day in bed to the next.  When she has a good and busy day, like yesterday, she pays the price for weeks.  Vic has not been out of bed today.  She is deadly pale and drawn.

It is hard for her not having privacy.  Vic is embarrassed that I hold her hair or wipe her face when she is vomiting.  Yet she needs me with her….

We are however in this together as a family. It is a rough journey for everyone.

“I am so sorry Mommy…” …it echoes through my heart.

“I love you my angel” I whisper….                                                  


We have already had so many “extra” years.  But the fact remains that Vic is ill.  Today she is more ill than yesterday or even last week or last month.  It is not an UTI causing the pain and fever.  Her pain control is good enough to mask symptoms.  Waves of severe nausea and cramping remain…

I don’t even want to consider the possibility that the pain is caused by Vic’s organs slowly starting to shut down….. One organ after another….  I have read that it feels “uncomfortable”.  It is called terminal agitation.

Only time will tell….  Time is all we have….

How did it get late so soon?                                                               


There have been times in the past couple of months that all Vic can do is lie in bed and breathe.  Completing simple tasks is a cause for celebration….if Vic is able to get out of bed, showers and put on clothes, all in the same day, it is a major achievement.  There have been days (few and very far in-between) that she has been well enough to pick up the boys from school, take them for a milk shake.  She attended Jared’s confirmation and Jon-Daniel’s prize giving… We are so grateful for the good days!

Vic is going through a grieving stage where she (once again) is experiencing profound grief for the life that she had known and which has been lost forever. Vic is feeling lost and confused.  She is on the down ride hurdling to who knows what stage of her journey.

Vic is so sad that she is unable to actively participate in her children’s lives.  Most friends have stopped calling. Her sense of identity is blurred. She has been reduced from being a wife and mother to “a child”.

Mothersday 2012
Mothersday 2012


Vic had a night out of hell!  The nausea was vicious and unrelenting.  Pain reduced Vic to a whimpering bundle of human flesh.

Vic’s palliative Care physician, Dr Sue, visited Vic this morning.  I think she was a little taken aback by Vic’s condition.

Sue is an amazing person.  She was so gentle with Vic.  Vic’s heart rate is fast and her blood pressure is 101/58.  Vic has a bronchial infection, her liver is taking severe strain and the sepsis has flared up – badly.  Her oxygen saturation levels are low – 90%.

Sue gently explained that although Vic is running a fever her body’s “warning systems” have started shutting down….. Vic is very warm to the touch, yet the thermometer only reflects a temperature of 36.8⁰.



Vic is having a lousy day.  She is exhausted and very swollen.  Despite the injections she has been nauseous all day.  This evening she had another vomiting bout.  Tomorrow we will see Dr Sue again.  Just maybe there is a 3rd anti-nausea type injection available

Vic also complained of a terrible “acidic” feeling.

I Googled her symptoms and found something that matches her new symptoms and blood test results.   Metabolic acidosis



Hospice has just fitted a subcutaneous driver – again.   Vic’s pain has spiralled out of control over the past couple of days.

Vic was in absolute excruciating pain during the night.  She battled to breath.

“Help me Mommy!  I can’t stand the pain anymore…”

I lay next to her and put constant pressure on the area that hurt most.  It was just below her ribcage – liver.  “Oh Mommy, it is so sore.  Can you feel how sore it is?

As a little girl Vic used to believe that I could “feel” her pain…

“Feel how sore my toe is Mommy…”

As I lay there with my hand on her “sore” I wished with every fibre in my body that I could lay my hand on her sick body and soak up the pain and disease.  It cannot be so I look for a new spot on her bum to stick in a needle.                                                                                   



Today I looked at her and fear struck at my heart.  My child is slowly slipping away.  Her little body is tired of the pain.  Her little organs are enlarged and diseased.  Her bones weak….

And the realisation hit home…. We need another miracle.

God please have mercy on my child.                                               



Sue gave us a script for Pethidine.  We will alternate the morphine and Pethidine six-hourly.  The poor pharmacist….  She went into shock when she heard that the morphine is NOT being replaced by the Pethidine… that it is in addition to the morphine.

Now it is only a matter of time.  Vic’s organs are slowly shutting down.  My child is gently being eased into death.

The entire day it echoed through my mind “we cannot stop this.  It is happening”

Vic is calm and serene.

“Next year my mom and I are going to Italy” she told Sue today.

 “Then I can die…”



12:42am and Vic is sleeping peacefully.  She had a “good” day. In between her naps she had lunch with a friend, a visit from Esther and a walk in the garden with Jared!

Vic’s legs are growing very weak.  The cellulitis on her arm has worsened despite the antibiotics.  It is now oozing pus.  Sr Siza will see her tomorrow, and I believe Vic will have to go onto IV antibiotics.  She had a violent vomiting spell just after she took her antibiotic tablets tonight.  It is very difficult for her to keep tablets and food down.  Despite the six-hourly anti-nausea injections she has….  And of course there is the problem of the poor absorption.

            “I can’t do this anymore…” Vic mumbled to herself tonight after the vomiting episode.  


Vic’s arm is very painful.  The antibiotics have not started working yet.  Dr Sue will come and see her tomorrow morning, and we will then decide whether it warrants hospitalization.  Obviously Vic need intravenous antibiotics and her tissue is too poor….

Tonight Vic had one of her worst vomiting spells yet.  It happened after 02:00am and her dinner of 7.30pm had not digested yet.  It is obvious that the oral antibiotics are not being absorbed.



I ran down the passage knowing that my poor child had vomited again.  The poor little thing was standing in the shower covered in her 7 pm dinner and antibiotic tablets.  The food had not digested at all.  She was shivering and crying.

I cleaned up whilst Vic showered.

“I am sorry Mommy.  I am so sorry Mommy”… Vic sobbed.

“I can’t do this anymore Mommy.  I don’t want to live like this anymore….”

I eventually got into bed at 5am.  Three hours sleep used to be enough sleep when I was younger.  I think I am getting old.  I need more than 3 hours.  Maybe it is time to look at a night nurse…..

Hospice called early this morning.  The antibiotics have been changed to IM injections.  We cannot put up an IV drip.  Sr Siza told Vic she should be admitted to hospital to have the abscess lanced and drained.  Vic refused.  “No more hospitals.  Mommy you promised…”

Monday morning Dr Sue will come to the house and do the procedure here.

Vic and her Dad
Vic and her Dad



Today has been a very, very bad day. Sr Siza was here when Vic had a violent vomiting spell. Yesterday Vic fractured a vertebra again. Her pain is out of control. Her breathing was shallow.

“I don’t want Jon-Daniel to see me now Mommy. It freaks him out when I can’t breathe” Vic pleaded

I lay behind her back, gently holding her whilst the tears wracked through her little body.

I don’t want to die Mommy. If only I can live for another year….. But I am so tired!” Vic softly cried


This is our last Christmas as a complete family.

Vic has been vomiting non-stop.  The acid has burnt the inside of her mouth.  Her derriere is so lumpy, black and blue from the constant injections.  Sr Siza popped in.  She examined Vic and started drawing up a Clopamon and Morphine injection.

“Please Sister, not my bum.  Please do it on my thigh.”

Vic no longer has an appetite.  She is sleeping at least 20 out of 24 hours.  Vic is very warm to the touch and appears flushed.  The thermometer reflects a temperature of 37 degrees C.

“Do you understand what your body is telling you Vic?”  Siza asked

Vic nodded and whispered “I do not want to die…”

Jon-Daniel telling his Mommy he received his honours blazer
Jon-Daniel telling his Mommy he received his honours blazer


Vic is having a strange day… Her blood pressure is all over; her heart races and then slows down.

“Something is wrong mommy.”

This evening Vic double checked with me whether I remembered which hymns had to be sung at her memorial service.  She cried when she (again) named her pallbearers.  “Please don’t let me lie in a refrigerator for a long time Mommy…Let them cremate me as quickly as possible”    

Jared just quietly sitting with his mommy
Jared just quietly sitting with his mommy


Vic worries about the family’s ability to cope with her illness and eventual death.  When Jared whispered to her “Mommy, I want your face to be the first thing I see when I wake up from the operation” he validated her fears…

Vic often says “You know Mom I worry how Daddy is going to cope with my death…” or “Mommy, do you think the boys will cope without me?” or “Promise me you will go for counselling when it is over…”

No amount of reassurance will comfort her…Vic in time will have to let go.  She knows how deeply we love her and what void her passing will leave in all our lives.  If you lose a marriage partner it is possible to find another partner and experience love again but if you lose a child or parent…how do you replace a child or parent?

Vic is quite hard on the boys (for their own good I must add).  She always says “I am your Mother not your excuse”

And then on the 10 th of September 2012 I blogged the words that I want to repeat today…

So baby, if you read this post, know that we will miss you.  We don’t want you to leave us behind but we want your suffering to end.  We will continue to love you until we are reunited one day.  You have to trust us that you will always be “my baby” and the boys’ mummy.  But know that we will be grateful when your little body is freed from its pain and suffering.  You will be at peace…  You will not suffer more pain after death.  We will mourn you, but we will also be at peace…  We will think of you and smile…

It is okay to let go my angel child.

I promise I will go back to Alan.  I love you so much Vic!

Today I smiled.  It may have been a sad smile but it was the smile of a mother who is at peace with her beloved child being pain-free. 

The four of us on Christmas Eve 2012
The four of us on Christmas Eve 2012

Published by


I am a sixty plenty wife, mother, sister, grandmother and friend. I started blogging as a coping mechanism during my beautiful daughter's final journey. Vic was desperately ill for 10 years after a botched back operation. Vic's Journey ended on 18 January 2013 at 10:35. She was the most courageous person in the world and has inspired thousands of people all over the world. Vic's two boys are monuments of her existence. She was an amazing mother, daughter, sister and friend. I will miss you today, tomorrow and forever my Angle Child.

30 thoughts on “It is okay to let go my angel child.”

  1. I know you will never forget Vic, I know you will never lose the pain, but you will learn to live with the pain. I told you a story in an email of a friend who lost their daughter aged 8 or so, they have learnt to live with the pain. Knowing their child is not in pain helps them…

    Knowing their child is with them still helps more.
    But Human feeling is “We need the contact” a hug or kiss or to hold and love.
    Allow Vic to talk to you and talk back. She is helping you through this. Truly….
    Look what is happening in your life just now, lots of good things…

    I truly wish I could do more, say more,help more… I hope I did a little..
    If you want a chat, you know how. We will laugh and chat and remember… x

    Shaun x..


    1. Thank you dear Shaun. I am so grateful that I blogged – I would never have reached acceptance at any stage if I “forgot” my beautiful child’s dreadful suffering. I do miss her terribly!


      1. I know T..And if any of us could take that pain away, we would, I know I would. I love your blog, its honesty and I am glad you kept blogging. I came onto WordPress really only 4 months ago when you were thinking about stopping. I am glad you did not stop, as is everyone. Vics memory will live long in all our memories T.
        I love you soo much for WHO YOU ARE…I need you to know that.

        Shaun x


  2. therapy is about taking care of you and that is what you did. from experience i can tell you no harm was done by missing your appt. at least you called. it is ok to tell him the truth, he will understand. it is so important to acknowledge that you will never forget her but you can put things in perspective and that seems to be where you are now. she was in so much pain and as much as she wanted to stay for you and her family she must have wanted to move on. blessings to you and may you find peace of heart.


    1. Sandra, Vic let go… I truly believe that dying is a conscious decision. Vic wanted to move on. I do however know that she is with me. Have you read Journey of Souls?


      1. no i haven’t but will if you recommend it:) at some point i will make that decision and am greatly concerned about my husband. it is my intention to stay by his side for the entirety of his life.


  3. I began reading this and had to stop to cry and give myself a hard shake the emotion you write from is so close to my own. I know too that my daughter is now in a world of no pain and I accept that but it does not make my day to day existence any better on the majority of days. After two years two months and six days I feel the pain as deep as the first day without her. Beautiful words here Tersia may God Bless and comfort all of us.


    1. Thank you for caring! It is strange that there is so much comfort to be found in the words of someone who KNOWS your pain…Hugs to you too dear friend.


  4. I have been reading your post/posts. I can’t even know how it felt to watch your angel child as she lived, went through so much, Tersia. I can know the pain of missing your child, it all hurts so bad. I know that pain. I’m just so sorry you have to feel it… I feel so much of your pain in your words. I care. Love, Gloria


  5. I can’t imagine….I can’t even begin to grasp the pain that you went through watching Vic suffer. And I am amazed at how strong your little Vic was. What a warrior!
    I’m very sorry that you lost your baby, Tersia. I don’t think I could have handled it as bravely as you did, if I lost one of my girls. My heart aches for you and your grandson’s.


  6. Your self administered therapy was probably as effective as any session with a professional. You did what was right for you. I’m sure Alan will understand.


  7. I returned to your story again today…your words give me courage to keep going…you feel such intense longing and pain… move forward…your courage is edifying and beautiful, Tersia!


  8. dear dear Tersia,
    I am thinking of YOU this morning…and hoping you are doing well…life is so full of going and comings…it seems to me it is harder as we get older to let-go and you would think we would have mastered it by now….my daughter is going to West Africa with the Peace Corps—and I am so worried for her! but I have to “let-go”…….then I thought of YOU and your courage…your strength to even write all the lovely words of your most difficult journey…you are so BEAUTIFUL ! and my heart goes out to you! I think of you most everyday…how courageous you are…You continue to breathe…to live…to go on….and it is so damn hard….You are an inspiration! Love and hugs to you, Tersia!


    1. Thank you for your kind words and thoughts. I hope your daughter will love Africa. It is a wonderful continent with many beautiful people. It will be so hard for you to let go…. I will pray for your daughter, her safety…and that you will have peace of mind! Lots of love and hugs T


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