Rose of Kindness Award

Rose of Kindness Award
Rose of Kindness Award

Today I stumbled across an amazing blog.  It is a blog about kindness….

Please pop in there.  Let’s all think about “kindness” and make it our goal to perform just one special act of kindness every day!  It has to be a special act of kindness that actually takes an effort.

Vic was a kind and generous person.  Her legacy is one of kindness and generosity.  So I have come up with an award… The Rose of Kindness Award.  I would like to add that we need to remember that our existence here is fragile, and we never have as much time with people as we think we do. If there is someone or someone’s out there that you love, don’t neglect that and don’t put off engaging with them because death waits for no-one…  Be kind and gentle.  Cherish your relationships remember to be kind….  Pay it forward!

Rules of the Rose of Kindness Award

  1. Add the Rose of Kindness Award on your blog
  2. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog
  3. Nominate 13 (my lucky number) bloggers whose kindness you have experienced
  4. Post why you are nominating each of your nominees
  5. Let the nominees know that you nominated them
  6. Suggest one special act of kindness that the world may benefit from

So I have to nominate some kind people.

  1. My treasured friend, Sandra @, who is terminally ill and yet has so much kindness in her heart that she still reaches out to me and other people.  This brave and selfless woman has made a difference in my world.  She worries about her loved ones that she will leave behind.  Thank you dear friend for caring when you have so much to deal with!  You are always in my thoughts and prayers!
  2. is a heart wrenching blog about a woman’s life of abuse.  She was raised by a narcissistic father, and a mother who rarely protected her from his verbal, mental, emotional and psychological abuse.  She endured molestation, both inside and outside the family setting, raped at the tender age of 11 years old.  This blog is written by an amazing person. A strong person battling recovery, anger and betrayal.   She battles C-PTSD and BDD.  Out of her pain two books were born and are published on Amazon “Buckwheatsrisk-Abuse Survival”, and a poetry book entitled “If I Could Write my Heart.” I salute you dear friend for your resilience and kindness.  Out of your hardship a beautiful kind and caring human being was born.  Thank you dear friend for the kindness you have shown!
  3. – Rebel is amazing and takes on the world! A kind and brave blogger who fights to make the world a better place.  Rebel is a kind and generous friend.
  4. – My precious friend Julie who has so much pain and loss to work through.  Julie writes about the love between her and her ailing husband.  It is the most beautiful love story ever!  Julie is kind and caring.  Thank you for your loving kindness dear friend!
  5.  A gutsy, wise lady who is a friend and an amazing writer.  Thank you for your love and support.
  6. Judy is my dear friend who has guided me through this abyss of grief that I am walking…  Judy reaches out to grieving parents.  She offers guidance, advice and love.  Thank you dearest Judy for your kindness and friendship. 
  7. Shirley @ is a true warrior, fighting for justice yet always ready to extend a hand of friendship and support.  Shirley taken on the judicial world to bring justice to the unsolved and uncleared and uncared for deaths.  Thank you dear Shirley for your words and actions of kindness.
  8. Len @ is a precious friend who always has a kind word of support.  Despite her pain after the tragic loss of her precious Klysta Len reaches out a hand of friendship with words of kindness.  Thank you dear Len
  9. This wonderful woman has 1077 followers and yet she has time to read my blog, comment and encourage.  Her words of advice are filled with compassion and kindness.  Thank you dear Diana
  10. Katie Mitchell who suffers debilitating pain yet this brave young woman has made it her mission in life to educate the world on Connective Tissue disorders.  Vic suffered from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a connective tissue disorder. Katie is a kind and gentle person –very worthy of this award.
  11. Shaun @ is a kind and cherished friend.  I sometimes feel bad because I know I cause him pain because of my grief.  He reaches out wanting to make my life better.  Thank you dear, kind friend.  I know you don’t accept awards anymore so I truly understand if you don’t accept. 
  12.  I would be remiss to not award the blog that inspired this action.  Thank you for the goodness you radiate in your blog.  I could not find your name anywhere but I hope you will accept.
  13. Terry @ is a kind blogger who cares for her brother deeply and passionately.  She is a shiny example of how we should treat our fellow human beings and family – with kindness! 
  14. An extra nomination – My beautiful, brave child who radiated goodness and kindness, this award is for you!  You made the world a better place.  I am proud to be your Mommy.  This award photo is of the rose we planted at the front door…I love you angel child.

My suggested act of kindness:  On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, remember any friends who have lost a parent the previous year, and check in with them.  Those will be tough days.

Lets start a wave of kindness!
