Nominated for the WordPress Family Award!

WordPress Family AwardI am so honoured to receive this WordPress Family Award from not one blogger but two!!  How blessed can I be?

Thank you dear Jane @ and Shaun @    Both Jane and |Shaun are great bloggers, and their follower figures reflect it.  Jane has 375 followers and Shaun 696……I think the reason why they have such great stats is because they care!!  They comment, email, care and share.  Their blogs are filled with real-world life, happiness, sadness, pain, compassion and laughter… They share their joys and sorrows.

So this award is about being part of the Word press Family!

I started blogging almost a year ago.  It was just after my BFF and Dad’s one year anniversary and Vic had made the decision to let nature take its course.  It was a difficult time for the family.  We were helplessly watching Vic die – little by little every day.  Her pain was unbearable.

My blog started off cautiously focussing on Vic’s pain.  Tracy @ opened my eyes Vic’s pain – I could “feel” Vic’s pain after I met Tracy; Katie Mitchell @ – an incredibly brave young woman who encouraged me when she is in so much pain of her own…  I could “see” life through an ill person’s eyes…”feel” her pain through the eyes and words of other Chronic Pain Sufferers.

I grew more comfortable sharing and started blogging more about my fears and emotions… Ultimately about Vic’s death and our grief as a family.

Today I have 210 followers.  Many of them have become my cyber family!  They love and care for me, my family and my precious Vic.  They offer hugs, love, compassion, sympathy and advise.  They care unconditionally.  They do not criticize my writing, punctuation, spelling or grammar…

I have found friendships and love in cyberspace that I did not know existed.  It has also opened my eyes to the fact that there are good people in the world.  People who care….  It enabled me to open my heart and life to real life friends too…

I love my blogging family!  Love you guys.

I know there are slightly more than 10 nominations.  I PRAY I did not omit a precious friend’s blog.  If I did, please do not be offended.  Blame it on the flu.

Now for a description of the award in the words of the Creator Of The Award:

This is an award for everyone who is part of the “WordPress Family” I started this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can show. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honor to start this award.” from Shaun @

 The Rules:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family.
4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them. There is a real problem here since this award spread like wildfire but I think I can find ten who should be recognized
5. That is it. Just please pick 10 people who have taken you as a friend, and spread the love.

My blogging friends and family as follows…

  1. Julie
  2. – Dear Sandra
  3. Len
  4.  Valerie
  5. – Shaun
  6. – Jane
  8. – Gloria
  9.  Judy Unger

10. – Mel Lefebvre

11. – Journey through Grief

12. Wendie Deacon


14.  –  chdmum



17. Victoria Bruce

18. – Uma Girish

19. – Bill Wooten

20. – Michelle

21. – Lucinda Elliot

22. BB

23.  Janice

24. Brave Katie Mitchell











Thank you to all my friends and followers for their support, comments and awesome posts!

You have made my journey bearable.  Thank you for allowing Vic and I into your lives! Thank you for restoring my faith in mankind…


Best Moment Award

I have been very slack and decided before I depart this world from this vicious flu-virus that I have contracted, I should get my affairs in order and accept all my awards.I apologise profusely for only accepting now.  I LOVE getting awards, but I find it so difficult to pass the award on to so few bloggers.  So I have come up with a strategy of saving my awards and doing it one-shot and hopefully I will not leave any one out… If I do – It is the flu…I received the Best Moment Award from two amazing bloggers – Jane – johannisthinking and Shaun

best moment award

Three Time Winner

Awarding the people who live in the moment,
the noble who write and capture the best in life,
the bold who reminded us what really mattered –
Savouring the experience of quality time.


My Acceptance:

I would like to thank two of my dear blogger friends for this amazing award.  I dedicate this award to my precious child who is the reason and inspiration behind my blog.  I started my blog when Vic was going mad with pain, and I was still fighting the system to get her into a Hospice Program.

First person to thank is Shaun – Recently Shaun wrote me an email and said the following  

The 1st blog I read of yours was the one with you holding Vic  Dawn and I cried and cuddled for about an hour, over time whenever you speak to me Dawn is asking “How is she” and “What is she saying” and caring…

Shaun has more than 670 followers after only blogging for a couple of months…He is articulate, bright, honest, sensitive and an amazing friend and blogger.  I have so much respect for this young man who has overcome so much tragedy and hardship in his life.  His love for Dawn and his children radiates from his blog.

The second is Wisconsin native Jane Johann, is a retired Reading Specialist and Language Arts Teacher.  Jane received her undergraduate degree from Marquette University, where she earned a B.A., majoring in English Literature and a minor in Secondary Education (1974). She attained her M.A. as a Specialist in the Acquisition of Language and Reading Instruction, K-12, graduate of Cardinal Stritch University (1994).

I have never had any formal training – I just write from my heart.  What I am trying to say is that Jane has every reason in the world to be a literary snob.  Jane however is a kind, generous and compassionate friend.  She writes to me and always has kind and encouraging words for me.  I find peace in Jane’s writing.  She cares deeply for others whilst she seeks “light, love and truth within ourselves is paramount to receiving the light, the truth and the love in others.  Only in first accepting our worth, we will then be open to accepting the worth of others. Only in first loving and caring for ourselves, will we better equipped to love and care for others.  I try to keep in mind the words of Kahlil Gibran, “It is not that God lives in us, rather we live in the heart of God!”  Understanding that we all are part of each other, hopefully we will create a better world.”

Shaun and Jane thank you for honouring me with this wonderful award.  I humbly accept.

The WordPress Bloggers that I nominate for this award are:

  1. Wendie Jeanne Deacon at   Wendie is a new blogger.  I actually don’t know how she found my blog but I am grateful that she did.  Wendie has fallen under Vic’s spell!  Wendie is a very, very brave young woman.  I cannot share her bravery and determination with you because she shared it with me in private correspondence. Wendie you are great.  Thank you for your tribute to Vic and your friendship!  I hope that you will blog about your challenges so the world can learn from you.
  2. 2.      Krista – is a young woman who is battling to come to terms with the death of her fiancé and soul mate.  She is a new blogger too and can do with some support.  She writes well.  “Grief is a solitary journey. No one but you knows how great the hurt is.  No one but you can know the gaping hole left in your life when someone you know has died.  And no one but you can mourn the silence that was once filled with laughter and song. It is the nature of love and death to touch every person in a totally unique way   ~~ Unknown”
  3. Lori at was her late Mom’s advocate and caregiver.  Her beloved father suffers from Alzheimer’s and Lori suffers from debilitating back problems.  Lori is caring and understands the stresses of caregiving.  Lori blogs about elder care, death and dying, assisted living, family relationships, hoarders and hoarding.   She is an excellent blogger.
  4. is a gifted engineer who writes beautiful poetry about Life, Love and Family – giving these profound topics a boy’s/man’s point of view. This brave man writes “Yes, men do remain faithful to their loved one and men do cry.”
  5. Gloria at is an amazing friend.  Gloria always leaves a word of encouragement after reading my posts.  She writes about her sadness after her son’s death, her anger, depression and the rare happy day.  Gloria is a very colourful blogger and I encourage you to visit her blog.
  6. Emmitt Owen Riley at  is a blog that gives one a glimpse of how these parents are coping with their journey of unbelievable grief, loss, and mystery after the mysterious death of their 20-year-old son.  Truly a brave blog.
  7. Mary Russell  blogs her Journey Through Grief after the sad death of her son.  It is poignant and raw blog yet filled with courage and hope.  Thank you for blogging your pain Mary.
  8. Mel  Lefebvre at is blogging her pregnancy.  She lost her precious baby, Henry, to Osteogenesis Imperfecta.  It is the genetic disorder that my precious Vic was born with.  This blog is about hope, fear, more hope and love.  Please hold Mel in your prayers.  Love you Mel!!
  9. Diana at ‘s blog is a wonderfully upbeat blog.  I love the quote section!  “Never stand begging for that which you have the power to earn.” – Miguel de Cervantes is just one of many!  Great fun.  Thank you Diana for featuring Vic’s journey (and my blog)on . It meant so much to me!!!
  10. Jane at blogs about her daughter DD and her daughter’s illness.  She is a brand new blogger and I am giving her this award to encourage her to come back and continue blogging.
  11. Kelly at is a single mom who bravely battles chronic pain.   She makes the brave statement “you can’t cry over the small things and you have to look at the big picture.”   Kelly you are a brave young woman.
  12. Victoria Bruce at is a fellow South African blogger with my Vic’s names…I love commenting on her excellent posts because I get to type “Victoria Bruce”….She also happens to be a great blogger.  I hope you accept this award Victoria Bruce.
  13. Jonathan at eloquently writes about his grief when his baby daughter was born without kidneys.  Jonathan writes from a father’s perspective.  He admits to his raw pain and shares how he copes with his grief.  It is a blog of hope.
  14. Denise at blogs about her raw, undiluted pain after the death of her son, Phillip.  It is a difficult blog because she so perfectly articulates my pain, anger and longing.  Diane I hope you will accept this award.
  15. MJgoodburn at shares her mom’s final journey and the trauma within the family.  It is a difficult journey…
  16. is a heart wrenching blog about a woman’s life of abuse.  She was raised by a narcissistic father, and a mother who rarely protected her from his verbal, mental , emotional and psychological abuse.  She endured molestation, both inside and outside the family setting, raped at the tender age of 11 years old.  This blog is written by an amazing person. A strong person battling recovery, anger and betrayal.   She battles C-PTSD and BDD.  Out of her pain two books were born and are published on Amazon  “Buckwheatsrisk-Abuse Survival”,  and a poetry book entitled “If I Could Write my Heart”  I salute you!
  17. Alison at ‘s Handsome Husband died on the 21st of April from cancer.  She is going through a dreadful time.  She is angry, very angry… Alison I don’t expect you to do anything with this award but I am nominating you so you can know I am thinking of you.  Hugs of strength to you.
  18. Optie at is another fellow South African whose blog I enjoy for her humour.  Optie has however also been an amazing friend – always leaving a little message of encouragement.  Thank you Optie.


  1. Winners re-post this completely, with their acceptance speech. That could be written down or video recorded.
  2. Winners have the privilege of awarding the next awardees! The re-post should include a NEW list of people, blogs worthy of the award, and winners.  Notify them the great news.
  3. What makes a good acceptance speech?
    1. Gratitude. Thank the people who helped you along the way.
    2. Humour-Keep us entertained and smiling.
    3. Inspiration – Make your story touch our lives.
    4. Get an idea from the great acceptance speech, compiled in
    5. Display the award’s badge on your blog/website, downloadable in

I would like to encourage you to visit some of these blogs.  It will be a worthwhile visit…



I would like to thank my dear friend Shaun, at prayingforoneday for this award. He ia an amazing person with a big heart and always ready to support and encourage.  Shaun suffers from Chronic Pain and despite living in debilitating pain, continues to be a source of support and encouragement for a great many of us. 

best moment award 


Awarding the people who live in the moment,
the noble who write and capture the best in life,
the bold who reminded us what really mattered –
Savouring the experience of quality time.



  1. Winners re-post this completely, with their acceptance speech. That could be written down or video recorded.
  2. Winners have the privilege of awarding the next awardees! The re-post should include a NEW list of people, blogs worthy of the award, and winners notify them the great news.
  3. What makes a good acceptance speech?

Gratitude. Thank the people who helped you along the way.

Humour-Keep us entertained and smiling.

Inspiration – Make your story touch our lives.

Get an idea from the great acceptance speech, compiled in

  1. Display the award’s badge on your blog/website, downloadable in


My Acceptance:

I started blogging as a coping mechanism just after the doctors told us they could do nothing for Vic and my brave child decided “no more surgeries…”  I blogged Vic’s quest to die with dignity.  I now blog about my all-consuming grief and sense of loss.

As a child I changed schools 12 times in total.  Academically I coped by I did not cope with the emotional side of it.

I allow very few people close to me.  I find it hard to form bonds with people.  I always expect them to leave my live – I don’t think I suffer from Rejection issues – just separation issues.   It is easier to keep people at bay – If I don’t rely on people they cannot disappoint or hurt me.

On WordPress I found a safe world.  A world where people care and support.  If they leave, as many have, it is okay because they are faceless.  Yet there are people that have never wavered in their support and encouragement.

I have received a number of awards lately that I am busy accepting.  If you are not nominated here please just check my next posts.  I am taking my time because I truly want to acknowledge my blogging friends and their contribution in my journey.  I will nominate my friends in no particular or of importance…

Shaun, thank you again for this award,

My nominees are compassionate, caring people who all suffer their own pain and loss.  Please visit their blogs and I promise you will find goodness and bravery there!

Thank you all for allowing me to heal here.

Vic, this award is for you my precious, beautiful, brave baby girl.  I love you Angel Child!

The 15 people I award:

1.    UntraveledRoads

Jane is a wonderful blogger who writes about living through pain.

She so eloquently writes   “Not writing about how to grasp joy – just about trying to find joy through the labyrinth of pain. Because if I don’t keep joy in my sights, I will drown. It is about the space – like a sunlit meadow – beyond pain that one can reach – or grasp – or glimpse. A place of peace while pain drums in the background. Why try? Because if I do not, what is the point at all?

OK. So I don’t want to write about pain. I live with it. But it has been such an extraordinary journey with such unexpected bonuses that I must write about the plus side – the up side, the fun, humour and bittersweet of living with pain. The irony is that I don’t want it, but I wouldn’t return what I have learnt through it.”

I hope you accept this award!

2  Gloria lost her son, Tommy, when he collapsed at the beach (Myrtle Beach, S.C.) whilst playing with his little son, Taban.  He died with little Taban near him.  Tommy had 2 blockages in his heart that no one was aware of.

Gloria writes about her precious son Tommy and her grief.  Gloria has become a friend and has been such a source of encouragement and understanding.  Gloria has 1236 followers and yet she finds the time to read my blog and comment on my blog.  Thank you so much for caring!!  You are an amazing person!

Gloria recently published her book.  Good luck with the book dear Gloria.


Peter Wiebe has closed down his blog.  Yet I am compelled to nominate Peter for this award.

Peter wrote:  “My name is Peter Wiebe. I am a husband and father of 4 boys-the oldest of which has gone ahead of us to Heaven after a courageous battle with cancer at the age of 10. I am a Christian and thus write from a Christian perspective. Although my faith was/is being severely tested by the loss of my firstborn son, my hope lies in Jesus Christ and all that the Bible teaches regarding Him, His death and resurrection, and our future hope of glory with Him. This blog is a journey through grief, about cultivating an eternal mindset in a temporary world, about all things related to faith, and life after death. I dedicate this blog to Jesse’s memory and hope that its contents will draw others nearer to God.”

I once wrote to Peter “I envy you your faith and peace.” Peter prays for me and I am so grateful for that.  How do I know?  I know because he still visits my blog and continues to encourage and support me.  Peter has become a wonderful cyber friend.  I am grateful for the healing that he found.  Thank you Peter!


Shirley is a brave mother fighting for justice after the suspicious death of her beloved son, Raymond.  She is fearless!  This lady is selflessly fighting for justice, not only for her son but for other innocent victims.

The reason for her blog is “Finding that one person who will step out to defend the innocent even when they are dead.  Help us tell Pennsylvania this needs an investigation, not just a cover-up. it is our sincere prayer to find the true cause of Ray’s death and help others who have experienced a similar crime.”

Shirley is a good cyber friend – always encouraging and supporting!  Thank you brave lady.  I pray that you will find closure and answers!!!



Sandra is one of the bravest people I know.  She is dying from congenital heart failure.  She writes about her journey with terminal illness, impending death and her concern for leaving her husband Chris behind.  She is so like Vic!!  As brave, courageous, stubborn and loving!  Her blog fills me with so much sadness and yet it gives me an insight into Vic’s heart and mind.  I truly hope she will accept this award.  Sandra, thank-you for your love, support, advice and friendship.  You are one in a million!  I wish I could make the same difference in your life that you make in mine.


Becky writes about her son, Jason (19), who died in a car accident.

In Becky’s own words:…. ”(Jason) A game player – chess (his absolute favorite), video games, volleyball, basketball,  board games. Intelligent – studying to be a computer engineer; tutored students in math. He gave great hugs and brightened up a room just by walking into it. A great young man; a wonderful son, brother, friend.

In a split second, he was gone and our lives were changed forever.

My goal for writing this blog is to promote understanding – for bereaved parents and for those around them. I do not claim to know what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes nor do I claim to speak as an expert on grief. I would not presume to know what anyone else is feeling nor what they are experiencing. Everyone is different; each situation is different; each grief and griever is unique. The only thing I know is what we experienced. But, if my speaking about what we went through can promote even a small degree of understanding, then I have accomplished what I set out to do.”

Thank you Becky for your kindness and support.  Thank you for your guidance and compassion.

7. –   This blog is filled with beautiful poetry.  The heart of this lovely blogger is contained in her own words “my heart bleeds with all those who lost their lives this day…and all who mourn their lost…WE can all do better…for the memory of all those who have died…let us try to BE our best selves always!”  Thank you for your friendship and support!

8. – Beebee ia an advocate of Parent Heart Watch, an organization that promotes education on the prevention and care of those with heart issues.   Beebee’s 15 year old son died of a sudden heart attack whilst playing baseball. Beebee is a brave mother and has become a cyber-friend.  She writes beautifully and courageously.  Thank you BB for your kind words of encouragement.

9.  Denise Smyth is the loving mother of two children, Philip and Natalie, who are (of course) the great loves of her life.

Denise writes “On February 23rd, 2012, I found out that my son, who had turned 21 the month before, died. It was sudden and unexpected. I was devastated, heartbroken, terrified, none of which comes close to describing what I really felt. It’s just the best I can do at the moment.”

Denise’s’ blog is a brave blog.  It is filled with raw emotion and unconditional love.


Julie lives on a retired dairy farm in Western Australia with her “99.9% lovely, teenage son”.   Julie is a retired lecturer in English and Creative Writing at a local university.  Julie’s beloved husband Anthony has cancer, dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

Julie blog is a beautiful love story filled with her fears and anguish of seeing her Anthony slip deeper and deeper into another world.  Julie arranges wonderful outings for Anthony and includes their friends in his world.  I admire her that she is not trying to “hide” her husband from the cruel eyes of the world.  Her love is unconditional and inspiring.  She writes beautifully and has been a great source of comfort to me.  Thank you dear friend for sharing your love and pain with us. 

Thank you for your kindness and friendship.  You are a very special person.


Andrew is the author of an e-book, Living with Cancer: A Journey,

This eBook captures his first three years of Lymphoma diagnosis, treatment, recovery, relapse, treatment, and again recovery. He keeps a daily personal journal to capture both the medical and personal things going on during this journey.  I find Andrew’s blog to be filled with not only facts but also his“journey”.  He is a very gifted writer.  Andrew has become a friend.  Thank you for your continued support Andrew!!

12.  Zoe is a wonderfully gifted author who has had two books published on Amazon  “Buckwheatsrisk-Abuse Survival”,  and a poetry book entitled “If I Could Write my Heart”  Zoe has endured dreadful abuse, at every level, as a child.  Zoe is working so hard at healing…Zoe has 658 followers and receives lots of comments.  Yet, every day there is a “Hug” or “Like” message from her.  She has emailed me…Zoe, I appreciate your support and caring.  Thank you for taking the time to email me!



Rachel referred to Vic as a “China Doll”…  How precious was that comment??   I was drawn to Rachel’s blog because she suffers from endometriosis.  Vic too suffered very badly from endometriosis… I recall the first time I read one of Rachel’s posts she wrote about the searing pain of endometriosis.  I was able to understand Vic’s pain better from Rachel’s blog.  Rachel’s blog is about music – as a coping mechanisme.  There are real good songs to listen to on this blog.



Aarthi  dedicated  another beautiful poem to Vic and I –  Aarthi is one of my favourite poets and Vic and I enjoyed her work immensely.  Aarthi has become a compassionate friend.  Please visit Aarthi’s site (linked above) and read the beautiful poem honouring Vic.  Thank you Aarthi for your love, compassion, friendship and sharing your gift!!!  Thank you for bringing joy to Vic’s life when she found very little joy in living anymore.

15. – Una

I am unable to articulate words for Una’s blog so I will use her own:  “When you’re stuck in the quicksand of grief, coming unstuck takes time, tenderness and a loving tribe. You’re feverishly seeking answers. What will help fix the plumbing of my leaky tear ducts? Will I ever feel normal again? How many weeks or months will it take for this awful, gut-wrenching pain to go away?

The Grammar of Grief is where I attempt to unscramble the craziness of grief for you. It is a resource for both the grieving and those who need tips and tools to support loved ones who are mourning. This is both your safe space and how-to resource. There’s room for everyone.”

Una has been a source of great comfort to me.  Thank you Una!


Judy Unger’s son, Jason, was born with a serious congenital heart defect called “Transposition of the Great Vessels.” As with most heart defects, his was “one of a kind.” Jason had surgery when he was two and a half months old. He had another one when he was five. He died following that surgery.

It doesn’t seem to matter that I addressed my grief for years and years after my son’s death.  Eighteen years later Judy finds it painful to write how it felt to have her beloved son’s soul amputated from her heart and body.

Judy writes beautiful songs and dedicated two songs to Vic:- “I know that soon you will leave” and “Never gone away”  Judy is an incredibly gifted illustrationist.  She writes beautiful words and songs!  She has held my hand throughout Vic’s journey and now mine.  Thank you dearest Judy for your love, support and compassion.  One day we will meet!!

Lots of love and thanks to each and every one of you who has supported Vic and I in our journey.  She was grateful that I had found an “outlet” and support in Blogging!