Lovely Blog Award

I was recently nominated for the Lovely Blog Award and graciously accept. It is indeed a great honor when someone of Melba’s calibre acknowledges my blog.  Melba Christie is an extremely gifted poet and writes  “Poetry is life. It is a big part of my life.”  Melba is truly passionate about poetry

The Rules for the Lovely Blog Award:

– Thank the person who nominated you and link to them in your post.
– Share seven unknown things about yourself.
– Nominate other bloggers and blogs that you like or admire.
– Contact the bloggers you nominate to let them know and to link them back to your post.

  1. I cry in the shower
  2. Danie (my husband) was the first man, with children, I ever dated.  I was scared of children and the complications they bring….I only dated single, childless men
  3. I find gardening therapeutic
  4. I am a Crime Channel TV junkie
  5. I HATE and DETEST lying.  It is unforgivable
  6. I have not worked to a budget in years
  7. I paint.

I have nominated the following bloggers because I enjoy their blogs very much and have found their personal journeys and comments helpful:


There are many, many more wonderful bloggers.  The nominated bloggers listed above mean a lot to me.  Some of them are very ill and others have lost dear ones.  Some are an absolute source of amazing information.  Aarthi Raghavan wrote a beautiful poem and dedicated it to Vic and I.

The above bloggers all have a special place in my heart.  I urge you to take the time to visit their blogs.

Melba, once again I thank you for your beautiful poetry and this award.  I am honoured!!

Lovely Blog Award

Lovely Blog Award

I was recently nominated for the lovely blog award and graciously accept. Thank you Tracy Rydzy for this nomination.

Tracy has opened my eyes to the world of the chronic pain sufferer.  Vic hides things from me because she tries to protect me.  I am so healthy and do not know or understand pain.  Tracy articulates pain and her journey beautifully and I am grateful to her for sharing her painful journey with the world.  It is such a valuable source of information!  It has given me an insight into the dark, fearsome world of pain.  Thank you Tracy and all the people who I nominated.  You and bloggers like Katie Mitchell –, (who nominated Tracy), have made my world a better place.  I thank you all.

The Rules for The Lovely Blog Award:

– Thank the person who nominated you and link to them in your post.
– Share seven unknown things about yourself.
– Nominate other bloggers and blogs that you like or admire.
– Contact the bloggers you nominate to let them know and to link them back to your post.

1. I cry in the shower
2. I only learnt to cook after I got married – the 2nd time!
3. My ultimate career would be to be a spy.
4. I want to be the oldest person to ever skydive
5. I read the eulogy section in the newspapers
6. I feel guilty because I am so healthy.
7. I am a loner.

I have nominated the following bloggers because I enjoy their blogs very much and have found their information and comments helpful:

I hope that you will take time out of your schedule to check out some of these beautiful bloggers.  It is truly inspiring.